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Chambre de Discipline

Chambre de Discipline of the Guernsey Bar - Lay and senior lawyer Panel Members


  • For the Lay Panel, potential members must: 

    • Be ordinarily resident in the Bailiwick; 

    • Not be a jurat, a member of the Juvenile Panel or of any other tribunal in the Bailiwick, and; 

    • Never have been a member of a legal profession in any jurisdiction. 


    For the senior lawyer Panel, potential members must:

    • Not be an Advocate of the Guernsey bar; 

    • Be a practitioner or member of the judiciary of at least 15 years’ standing in any jurisdiction in the British Islands

  • The five members of each panel are selected by an Appointments Committee established under the Law, consisting of the Bailiff, the Senior Jurat and the Batonnier of the Bar.

  • Members of each of the three panels are appointed for a maximum of five years, and cannot then be re-appointed for a further five years after their term ends.

  • Panel members may claim remuneration at an hourly rate for time spent on Chambre matters (including preparation for a hearing). The rate is in accordance with the States' remuneration of members of the TRP and Income Tax tribunals.

  • Whilst the number of times a panel member will have to sit will depend on the number of hearings required, it is unlikely to exceed 2/3 times per year.

A copy of the form to be used for making a complaint against an Advocate and associated guidance can be found here and here.

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