Chambre de Discipline
Chambre de Discipline of the Guernsey Bar - Lay and senior lawyer Panel Members
For the Lay Panel, potential members must:
Be ordinarily resident in the Bailiwick;
Not be a jurat, a member of the Juvenile Panel or of any other tribunal in the Bailiwick, and;
Never have been a member of a legal profession in any jurisdiction.
For the senior lawyer Panel, potential members must:
Not be an Advocate of the Guernsey bar;
Be a practitioner or member of the judiciary of at least 15 years’ standing in any jurisdiction in the British Islands
The five members of each panel are selected by an Appointments Committee established under the Law, consisting of the Bailiff, the Senior Jurat and the Batonnier of the Bar.
Members of each of the three panels are appointed for a maximum of five years, and cannot then be re-appointed for a further five years after their term ends.
Panel members may claim remuneration at an hourly rate for time spent on Chambre matters (including preparation for a hearing). The rate is in accordance with the States' remuneration of members of the TRP and Income Tax tribunals.
Whilst the number of times a panel member will have to sit will depend on the number of hearings required, it is unlikely to exceed 2/3 times per year.